Custom Gesundheit! Mask

Type: Merchandise
Price: $15.00


Support Gesundheit by purchasing our very own custom mask, complete with a clown nose, moustache, and Patch's signature! Hope you enjoy these masks and make a neighbour laugh while wearing it out and about. Stay Safe! These masks offer wide protection across the face and include a pocket for an additional filter and adjustable ear bands for the perfect fit.

" Hello, friends! I wish I could see your side to say hello to you. You know who would have thought that a year ago, that wherever you went in your town, people would be wearing a mask, not because bandits like the masked man have invaded, but because of a virus, too small to see with the naked eye. Gesundheit, being a fundraising organization and trying to build a free hospital, has created its mask, lookie here clown moustache, even signed by me. And then not only do you protect yourself from the virus, but you get a chuckle or two in the process, and that's worth it at all because, to tell you the truth, everyone wearing a mask has given a strange impression of people. All you can see is their eyes and the top of their nose. So have fun with your mask, and of course, you can speak with it, you can even make a fart sound, then you know there's a clown behind the mask." #Patch

Neon CRM by Neon One

Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

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